Profhilo Skin Booster

  • Profhilo injectable anti-ageing treatment is made from hyaluronic acid, for skin that is losing its elasticity and firmness with age. Expect improvement in skin tone and hydration, as well as firmness and smoothed fine lines and wrinkles.

    Profhilo is fast becoming one of the most popular facial treatments in the aesthetics world. Made from 100% hyaluronic acid, Profhilo encourages your skin to remodel from the inside out, improving skin quality and texture in as little as 1 month.

  • Profhilo hydration and laxity treatment

    Profhilo is an ultra-pure, high-dose hyaluronic acid bioremodeller that is injected into the skin, acting as a hyaluronic acid moisturising treatment.

    Profhilo’s hydrating effect works as it stimulates collagen and elastin, attracting water into the dermis. Made with a patented technology called NAHYCOO, the result is a gel with prolonged stimulating activity on the dermal cells. The product also works to stimulate cell receptors to counteract skin laxity and restore firmness to the skin. With 32mg/ml HA and 64mg per treatment, Profhilo also contains one of the highest concentrations of HA on the market. Profhilo is made by IBSA Italia and distributed in the UK by HA-Derma.

    Most Profhilo skin treatments are delivered in a course of two sessions spaced three to six weeks apart to allow for maximum skin hydration and synergistic collagen stimulation. Further treatment may be advised for skin with more advanced sagging, photo-damage and ageing. The results focus on tightening as well as hydration.

  • With one of the highest concentrations of stabilised hyaluronic acid on the market. It is known as a “bio-remodeller”- meaning it tackles skin laxity and hydration, achieving tissue restoration without volumising.

    Unlike other anti-ageing injectables that use fillers to add volume and stretch out the skin, Profhilo uses Hyaluronic Acid (HA), a naturally occurring substance in the body that is said to hydrate, firm and rebuild new, younger-looking skin cells. 

    With dermal fillers, the results tend to be very localised because the gel only stays in the area in which it has been injected. Once the Profhilo skin booster is injected, it disperses evenly throughout the skin, so the effects are visible across the face, giving a more even anti-ageing result. It hydrates the skin and has a stimulatory effect on the cells producing collagen and elastin to help tighten and lift the skin, improving skin quality and giving a more youthful look.

  • Profhilo is one of the growing suites of anti-ageing treatments on the market. Profhilo takes up to a month to show benefits, but it is now considered one of the best forms of attack for anti-ageing, dehydrated and saggy skin.

    It is injected just underneath the surface of the skin where it disperses quickly and reacts with your skin tissue to instantly boost hydration. Over the four weeks post-treatment, phase two kicks in and the product goes to work boosting elastin and collagen production. This effectively remodels the skin, giving it a plumper, smoother, firmer and overall glowy appearance.

    For best results- 2 sessions are required, 4-6 weeks apart. Results last up to 12 months and then 6-month touch-ups are required for maintenance.

    Profhilo can be used to treat many areas of the body, the most common being the ‘5-point-facelift’.

  • The technique used to inject Profhilo depending on treatment and/or area:

    The BAP technique is also referred to as the Bio Aesthetic Points technique. The BAP technique is spread across the malar and sub-malar areas of the face. In simpler terms, these injections are spread evenly across the face, with five injection sites, on each side of the face.

    Profhilo works by being injected just below the surface of the skin. Once injected, it naturally spreads out and is absorbed over about a 4cm area of the skin. This means, that you can usually have the treatment applied to your whole face with around about 10 injection sites.

    Your experienced cosmetic practitioner will carefully examine your skin to ensure you are a suitable candidate and will thoroughly explain the procedure, benefits, and risks prior to treatment.

    After your skin has been examined and assessed, Profhilo is injected into specific points called bio aesthetic points. This means only 5 injections on each side of the face. Once it’s injected, it spreads like honey being drizzled over fruit, distributing evenly under the skin. Profhilo then integrates with the skin, leading to hydration and bio-remodelling of collagen and elastin.

    The procedure is very simple and does not require long periods of recovery, typically taking about 30 minutes after consultation and assessment. Treatment with Profhilo does not affect facial expression and the benefits can normally be seen over the following days.

    Research shows that optimal results are visible after 2 treatments, performed one month apart. The first treatment fills and firms the skin. The second has an anti-wrinkle effect and strengthens the effects of the first injection.

    Profhilo products are biodegradable, which means they are naturally broken down by the body. To ensure an optimal and long-lasting result, a top-up treatment is recommended 6 months after your initial Profhilo treatment.

    To enhance the effect of the treatment, cosmetologists recommend 1-2 booster treatments a year however, this may vary depending on the patient, skin type and age.

  • What can I do to prepare for my aesthetic treatments?

    One week prior to your treatment, avoid taking aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications eg. Ibuprofen, ginkgo biloba, Vitamin E and fish oil supplements. These may increase bruising and bleeding at the injection site. Remember, it’s important to check with your doctor if you have an existing condition that requires you to take blood thinners before you stop taking regular prescribed medication.

    Adding leafy greens to your diet will boost your vitamin K levels and help to reduce the possibility of bruising and swelling.

    Arnica supplements have been shown to reduce discomfort, bruising, and swelling from injectable procedures. Arnica pills may be started the day before the treatment and should be continued until any bruising has resolved.

    On the day, it’s advisable to avoid working out or going to the gym ahead of your appointment as flushed skin can lead to more bruising due to the amount of blood at the skin's surface.

    You should also not consume any alcohol for at least 24 hours before your appointment to avoid increased bruising and swelling.

  • How does Profhilo work?

    Profhilo is thermally bonded and not chemically bonded; meaning it acts as a hydrator, not a filler. It is injected just underneath the surface of the skin where it disperses quickly and reacts with your own tissue to instantly boost hydration.

    Over the four weeks post-treatment, phase two kicks in and the product goes to work boosting elastin and collagen production. This effectively remodels the skin, giving it a plumper, smoother, firmer and overall glowy appearance.

    Where can we inject Profhilo?

    Profhilo can be used in the following areas:

    • Face

    • Neck

    What is the best age to have Profhilo?

    No matter what your age, if you are trying to combat signs of ageing or invest in preventive anti-ageing treatment, the Profhilo skin booster is a fantastic way to improve your complexion.

    Most dermatologists would suggest that those aged between 30-50 are the best candidates, however, there are no specific age limits and patients in their 60s will see an improvement in their complexion.

    Is Profhilo right for me?

    Profhilo improves signs of ageing and is especially good for sagging skin on the lower two-thirds of the face. It can help to tighten the jawline and reduce the appearance of smile and laughter lines.

    Profhilo is also a fantastic treatment for dry skin, thanks to its use of hyaluronic acid which helps your skin to retain water- leaving you with a glowing complexion. It’s a great choice for those who already have a solid skincare routine and keep a good diet as it enhances your natural skin. Having a healthy lifestyle will also help to maintain the appearance of your skin booster for longer.

    The results of a Profhilo skin booster are not as dramatic as what can be achieved from dermal fillers, but if you are looking for a more subtle way to elevate your skin, Profhilo is the choice for you.

    How many mls of Profhilo do you need?

    You will require 2 mls spread over 10 injection points. At the start, you will need two treatments one month apart, then one treatment every 4 - 6 months for maintenance.

    Does the Profhilo treatment hurt?

    Profhilo is injected just under the skin using a very fine needle at pre-determined points. The injections sting briefly, but patients generally report only mild discomfort. After the treatment, you may experience some tenderness for the first 24 - 72 hours.

    It is relatively painless and there is usually no need for topical pain relief creams prior to treatment. The treatment itself is very quick, taking only about 15 minutes. On the face, only five injection points are necessary on each side of the face to give maximum results.

    Are there any risks or side effects with Profhilo?

    There are no long-term side effects. Profhilo is metabolised by the body completely.

    No allergy test is required before treatment. The risk of allergic reactions is substantially reduced because Profhilo does not contain any synthetic chemicals to which some people might react to.

    Some people may experience redness, slight bruising, tenderness as well as itching at the injection sites but these will be temporary and should resolve within 24 hours.

    • Mild swelling in the area of application.

    • Slight redness and small injection marks.

    • Mild bruising due to skin pricking.

    • Erythema, itching, irritation.

    Is Profhilo a dermal filler?

    No. Profhilo is a very different treatment from other skin boosters or dermal fillers.

    Although both contain hyaluronic acid, Profhilo does not have the same thick viscosity as a dermal filler. In contrast, Profhilo is a water-like gel with a similar consistency to honey and injected in small amounts across the face. It spreads beneath your skin, stimulating collagen and elastane to improve skin tone, texture, and elasticity. Profhilo will enhance an entire area rather than fill one specific line or fold like a dermal filler.

    Profhilo can flow freely through the deep skin layers in a way that dermal fillers cannot, and it won’t produce lumps and bumps

  • Can everyone have Profhilo?

    Skin boosters are safe products; however, few people need to avoid them:

    • Allergy to Hyaluronic Acid.

    • Patients with bleeding and blood disorders/leukaemia/lymphoma. (You need clearance from your haematologist before proceeding, as the risk of infection is higher).

    • Patients on chemotherapy or immunosuppressant. (You need clearance from your haematologist/oncologist before proceeding, as the risk of infection is higher).

    • Sensitivity to gram-positive bacteria proteins.

    • Active infection or inflammation in the skin area to be injected.

    • Patients with ongoing other facial treatments such as chemical peels, laser treatment or microdermabrasion (can have skin boosters 2 weeks before or after treatment).

    • Patients at risk of Keloids (hypertrophic scarring).

    • Patients with an active cold sore.

    • Pregnant and breastfeeding women (best to be avoided despite no real evidence).

    • Patients planning to have facial surgery in the next 12 months.

    • Patients on blood thinning agents (for example Aspirin, Clopidogrel, NSAIDS, Warfarin and Apixaban) can have skin boosters. However, the risk of bruising is higher.

    Before the treatment:

    • The treatment does not require any special preparations.

    • Profhilo will normally be preceded by an in-depth medical interview.

    • Chemical peels and strong cosmetic products should not be used in the area where the treatment will be performed for a few days before the treatment.

    • You should not drink alcohol 48 hours before the procedure.

    • Avoid strong heating of the body before the treatment (solarium, saunas, direct sunlight).

    After the treatment:

    • For 4 days, do not expose yourself to direct sunlight or heat treatments.

    • It is recommended to use an SPF 50 sunscreen cream.

    • As with most of our cosmetic treatments, we recommend that you avoid vigorous exercise for 7 days following your procedure, and avoid using the sauna, swimming pool, gyms, hot baths, and solariums for 48 hours.

    • Chemical peels and strong cosmetic products should not be used in the area where the treatment will be performed for a few days after.

    • You should not drink alcohol for 24 hours.

    • Make-up should not be applied for 48 hours to prevent infection.

    • It is important to strictly follow the rules of hygiene: dry your face with disposable towels, tone the skin, keep make-up brushes, and sponges clean, regularly change bath and hand towels, avoid touching your face, and replace clean sheets for the post-treatment period.


Required before first treatment
15 mins – Free

Full face - single treatment
30 mins – £300
Course of 2- £550

Neck - single treatment

30mins - £300
Course of 2 - £550

Décolleté (upper chest area)

30 mins - £300
Course of 2- £550

Numbing Cream (if required) - £20

Home and office visits are available.