Fillmed NCTF135
HA Skin Mesotherapy

  • FILLMED Treatments

    Price: £135
    Duration: 1hr 15mins

    FILLMED's Bio Nutri Glow is a luxurious mesotherapy treatment for the face, which combines a FILLMED bright peel, NCTF135 HA mesotherapy, FILLMED Hyaluronic Youth Mask & a 15min LED light therapy treatment.

    Price: £120
    Duration: 1hr

    FILLMED Beautif Eye treatment is a series of microfine injections of NCTF135 HA around the eye area to combat fine lines and dark circles. FILLMED's SKin Perfusion Eye Recover Mask is applied after and 15 mins of LED light therapy. This treatment addresses puffiness, dark circles, fine lines, wrinkles and helps to lift the eyelid. It also hydrates the eye area and restores radiance.

    Price: £120
    Duration: 1hr 15mins

    FILLMED's NCTF135 HA mesotherapy treatment can be delivered to the neck and décolleté to restore skin quality, increase density, reduce lines and wrinkles & tighten the skin.

    For best results a course of 3 treatments is required every 2 weeks with maintenance treatments 1-2 times a year. It is one of the most non-evasive facial treatments, as satisfied customers notice a markable improvement in their facial appearance the next day by optimising skin brightness and radiance.

  • What is NCTF135 HA by Fillmed?

    Developed and loved by the French, over 40yrs of research and development have gone into Fillmed's celebrated NCTF135 HA (New Cellular Treatment Factor).

    Made with hyaluronic acid & 59 other ingredients, including amino acids, vitamins and minerals. NCTF135 HA rejuvenates the skin without changing the facial features or expressions.

    Containing hyaluronic acid, NCTF135 HA smooths out fine lines & wrinkles, increases the health & quality of the skin by boosting fibroblast activity to form new collagen, elastin and our own hyaluronic acid resulting in naturally enhanced, smooth and radiant skin.

    NCTF135 HA treatments helps the skin to restore lost moisture and leave the skin looking more glowing and youthful.

    With 14 vitamins, 6 minerals, and 23 amino acids, NCTF135 HA works to repair the skin layers and restore essential nutrients in the skin that may have been lost due to ageing or environmental factors.

  • What is Mesotherapy?

    Mesotherapy is a series of micro-fine injections into the superficial skin layers. It is a non-surgical cosmetic medicine treatment which consists of a boost of hyaluronic acid, vitamins and amino acids into the skin, which improves tired/loose skin & stimulates the creation of elastin & collagen.

    Mesotherapy is a non surgical skin rejuvenation treatment aimed at diminishing problem areas on the face. It is designed to boost cell turnover, hydrate & provide essential supplements to the skin. It is delivered by a series of very superficial (barely breaking the skin), nano soft micro needles. Comprising of three 0.6mm long micro needles the NANOSOFT is made from silicone crystal. It is around 3 times smaller than a typical injection needle & ideal for targeting the dermis with NCTF135 HA.

    For clients it guarantees an effective, near painless procedure.